For laughs here it is, my alternative universe life. Actually not all of it is funny, and maybe part of my alternative universe life is worth pursuing, although some of the opportunities have passed. Here it is:
Rob and I own a wildly successful family business. I guess I should have clear idea of what this business offers, but I don't. Maybe its something not that sexy that has potential like renting self-storage units. Rob does most of the work with the business.
As for me, I was so smart with my money before I had kids that I have all of these money generating assets that only require about 20-60 minutes of monitoring from me daily. I guess I should have clear idea of what these assest are but I don't.
From these assets I am able to generate money for the family while spending the bulk of my time at home with my kids. I take them to playgroups 2-3 days a week and every year for each kid's birthday, I hand decorate their cake in painstaking detail. I occasionally help Rob with administrative needs for our business.
Rob actually likes my name suggestions and our kids are named Cecily, Hugh, and he agrees to a third kid, a girl we name Louisa.
Every year we take some fancy vacation. We alternate between a cultural vacation such as a trip to Rome, and a purely fun family trip such as Disney World.
Since I'm home with the kids, there is no need for childcare, but I do have a mother's helper who comes in 5 hours a week while I get my hair / nails done, go shopping, run errands, meet for coffee with girlfriends or go to the gym. I also have a cleaning lady who comes in once a week to do all the yucky jobs such as scrubbing the tube. Other than that, I am able to keep our house spotless, and no more than 20 minutes to company-ready, which is important with all the entertaining we do.
We live in a Tudor style house on a lake, and have a vacation home down south in like Tennessee or something.
I am very fashionable both with my clothes, and my home decor. My kids are always dressed in the latest Gymboree clothes.
We are loaded and I live a charmed life.
What does this say about me? That I'm shallow? That I have a rich fantasy life? That I care too much what other people think? Would I really be happy with my alternative universe life?
Until next time...
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